I have been camping and kayaking in a number of places. I have ridden my bicycle on a number of trails also. Here is a list of some local places I have camped/ Kayaked/ and /or ridden my bicycle.
Lake McConaughy, Ogallala, Nebraska www.ilovelakemac.org many of the best sunset photos I have taken came from camping or kayaking the lake.
Lake McConaughy is a reservoir on the North Platte River. It is located 9 miles (14 km) north of Ogallala, Nebraska, United States, near U.S. Highway 26 and Nebraska Highway 61.
Potters Pasture just South of Brady is another favorite place of mine facebook.com/groups/179394438893158
I haven't been yet, but the cowboy trail in northern Nebraska looks amazing.
www.bikecowboytrail.com One of my favorite trail finders is www.railstotrails.org you can find trails all over the place just by entering the location. Most of these are former rail lines which are awesome to ride. I did a number of them when I lived in Maryland
(I will have to hunt for the flash drive that has those photos, then I will share )
If you want to look for places to kayak try this website https://seakayakexplorer.com/kayaking-nebraska/ this page will give their 10 best to kayak in Nebraska, use their site for other locations as well.